Latest News
Ngā karere o te wā
New defibrillators equip remote communities for medical emergencies
New Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) were installed in a number of rural and isolated locations around Wairarapa recently, including in some of the region’s community halls. The addition of the AEDs will further equip these halls as key community facilities,...
Psychological First Aid courses available
Wairarapa Recovery Office (WRO) is coordinating and funding a series of Psychological First Aid (PFA) courses that will be available to workplaces, marae and community organisations that support individuals and whānau following natural disasters and traumatic events.
Cyclone recovery ongoing needs survey underway
The Wairarapa Recovery Office (WRO) is running a survey on the ongoing impact of Cyclones Hale and Gabrielle for people, farming operations, businesses and communities in the Wairarapa.
Ministerial visit welcomed by Wairarapa mayors
A visit to Wairarapa by Minister Hon. Mark Patterson to discuss the day-to-day challenges experienced by rural communities was warmly welcomed by the three Wairarapa Mayors.
Council votes to enter FOSAL buy-out
Masterton District Council has voted to enter the Government’s Future of Severely Affected Land (FOSAL) voluntary buy-out programme for properties severely impacted by the North Island weather events in January and February.Under the FOSAL funding arrangement, the...
Mayoral Relief Funding reaching applicants fast
A total of $68,300 in grants from the Wairarapa Mayoral Relief Fund has now been allocated to seven applicants, with those in need urged to apply if they need financial help. Applications for Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment Business Support Grants are...
Whakapā atu ki tō kaunihera
Contact your Council
Masterton District Council
161 Queen Street, Masterton
27 Lincoln Road, Masterton
Visit Website
Phone: 06 370 6300
Carterton District Council
28 Holloway Street, Carterton
Visit Website
Phone: 06 379 4030
South Wairarapa District Council
19 Kitchener Street, Martinborough
Visit Website
Phone: 06 306 9611
Wairarapa Recovery Office works across the three Wairarapa district councils (Masterton, Carterton, South Wairarapa) to coordinate disaster recovery and community emergency resilience efforts.